The overland track Tasmania is a piece of hilly, green deliciousness that distinguishes itself from a comparatively flat and parched mainland and stands out as a true walking jewel in Australia. Many of the craggy mountains, many of which have very strange forms surround the valleys that have been carved out of the soil by aeons of glacial action. You'll view the mountain from many various angles over your six days on the route, and its presence acts as a persistently-looming background to the rest of the breathtaking landscape in the area.

overland track Tasmania

Flying leisurely to Various Destinations

The journey to Tasmania South Coast track begins like all good trips with a little flight! You'll be both excited for the next week and a little bit nervous about the obstacles due to this bird's eye perspective of the impossibly high mountains, huge isolated terrain, and lakes sparkling in the sun. Your pilot is going to point out attractions as you fly over the undulating ranges, including summits like Federation Peak, regions with ancient rain forests, winding its way through the tough terrain.

Explore a Tremendous Sense of Accomplishment

The finest treks include more than just placing one foot in front of the other; they push your physical and mental limits and leave you with a lasting sense of the complexity of our world. Anyone who has finished the South Coast Track will attest to the lasting impression the journey leaves on you.

Traversing the difficult terrain with nothing but your pack on your back, the small number of trekkers by your side, and the sheer willpower to scale challenges, river crossings, and exposed beaches is part of experiencing Tasmania's most remote corner in complete solitude.

Explore The Real Wilderness

You'll be traveling through a region devoid of any roads, lights, motor noise, or other hikers. Your total experience will be far more unique and memorable because there isn't much to indicate someone had been there before you, except for a little number of signs and a boardwalk.

The sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering these challenges makes this one of the most difficult long-distance journeys in Australia, and it leaves you with a happy feeling long after you've returned home.